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Thank you for giving me my life back, i was expecting to struggle getting divorced, but with all your assistance and support, it took only two months. So thank you for everything
* C Taljaard *
Rated their experience 9/10
From the very beginning of contacting diylaw, the whole process ran smoothly and quickly. Support was excellent and my queries were dealt with in a friendly and professional manner. Thank you for your outstanding service.
* Anonymous *
Rated their experience 9/10
Good afternoon Alitia, Today the divorce was concluded and I have to say it was quite an easy process, thanks to you. Much appreciated. King regards Lebogang
* Lebogang *
Rated their experience 10/10
Very professional services, all the documents that was provided was correct, received telephone meeting with consultant with regard to settlement agreement, instructions on how to proceed was very helpful and my divorce was finalized within weeks
* Beverlly *
Rated their experience 9/10
Thank you for your guidance and assistance. It made a terrible experience quick and less traumatic.
* L Smith *
Rated their experience 9/10
Got divorced with ease and no problems experienced with all the paper work as it all was thorough and professional. Definitely the way to go and saves you thousands at the end of day. Got divorced in 20 days from start to finish. Thank you so much diylaw for your thorough and professional service in this regard.
* C de Afonseca *
Rated their experience 10/10

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hi If i make of your services and there are no contesting or policies or children or any assets involved and both parties agree to set out documents. How long will the divorce take to go through.
Because you handle the divorce yourself, it will depend on the time you take to follow the step by step guide that will be provided to you. It also depends on where the court dates of your local court is. It shouldn't however take more than 2-3 months to finalise. It can be much sooner though.
Hi, By using this service am I still required to go to court ?
You will have to attend Court. The good news is that you receive a step by step guide to ensure that all is ready for your Court appearance and it is not something that you should be concerned about.
I am married out of community of property and my wife is claiming maintenance. We have no children together, no assets or liabilities, and she has always worked, and I have never paid maintenance to her. I live in Mozambique, and do not have a South African bank account, but her attorneys are demanding information regarding my status in Mozambique, including a list of my assets, etc. Please advise what your charge would be to attend to this matter. We were previously with another attorney, but they withdrew from this case with no prior notice, and we believe that there is a court ruling to pay maintenance, which we were not aware of until this month.
Ian, This is not a matter that DIY Law can assist with, you require the assistance of an attorney. Riaan Scheepers from Cawood Attorneys will send you a direct email. Regards,
My girlfriend wants to divorce but she doesn't have any stable job yet is it possible to get get her some help so the divorce can be done faste she is willing to pay but dont have the money all at once.
Ruan, We will be able to assist your girlfriend with her divorce. Unfortunately the DIY Law program is set up in such a way that the payment of R890 must be made at once to proceed with the online divorce application. There is not an option to pay in installments at this point in time. Regards,
Goeie dag ek en my man wil skei ons het 'n skikking opgetrek tussen ons. Maar ek weet nie hoe om verder te gaan met die hof en dagvaardiging nie. kan u asb advise gee ons bly in Dinwiddie Germiston. Magda
Magda, We will send an email to you directly in reply to your query. Regards,
Good day Please can you provide me with a telephone no as i got some questions i need clarification on. Kind regards
Sharon, I will send a email to you with the relevant information. Regards,
Good evening I would like to have some help to get divorce just to say that I do have 2minors one 11 and the other 14 I understand the fees upfront are almost900 and the 150 for the Sherrif to deliver plse if any assistance is available.
Christine, Indeed the R890 is payable, where after you will immediately receive login details to proceed with the online divorce application. I will provide you with more information per email. Regards,

Other User Comments

I just need to find out my husband is not a member of pension fund will I be expected to give him his shares within two months? And his car was repossessed plus the house its in my name,but I have a house bond a a car which I'm still paying basically this two still belong to the bank though they are in my name do we have to share those too the house and the car
-- Itumeleng
@Itumeleng, Your query below is a loaded question (as it depends on many factors) that I will be happy to advise you on. I will send you a direct email to get into contact with you.
-- diylaw Administrator
Hi If i make of your services and there are no contesting or policies or children or any assets involved and both parties agree to set out documents. How long will the divorce take to go through
-- Clint
@clint Because you handle the divorce yourself, it will depend on the time you take to follow the step by step guide that will be provided to you. It also depends on where the court dates of your local court is. It shouldn't however take more than 2-3 months to finalise. It can be much sooner though. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
Just did the test and although we are in agreement to get divorced our diy was declined any specific reason
-- Gill
That is strange. I will contact you directly to ascertain how you completed the test and what the problem may be. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
I am trying to track down my certificate after DIY divorce through you guys in 2012. How do I start?
-- John Bennett
@ John Bennett, you should be able to obtain a re-issue of your divorce order from the court where you were divorced. We will communicate with you further via email. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
How long Wil it take to get a divorce if I use u please I need to get money somewhere to divorce I'm not happy I'm my relationship and I want out and can I move on with my live wile the divorce go on can I move to another town or must I stay here and how dose everything work do u send his paper and mine do we have to be together for signing
-- Bianca
Thank you for your comment. I have replied to your query to your email address due to the fact that you ask a loaded question. You are free to move where you want pending the divorce (right to freedom of movement). Just take note that the court you will use for the divorce must be where you reside at the time that the divorce is instituted. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
Big big Thank you to the DIYLaw team. I must admit that moment when I pushed the 'pay button' my heart stood still.... praying that I made the right choice and that my money did not just vanish into the unknown. You returned my email within 10 minutes. I was so relieved. After al the sad and bad it was a bit of hope that things will be ok! Every detail and explanation helped me to within one week finalize the paperwork and collect a court date. If you are a potential client and like me pondering the option of using this company you can go for it and push thay 'pay' button! Take the first step! Its worth the effort. Again thank you DIYLaw.
-- Zelda
@Zelda, Thank you so much for the great feedback. We are glad to know that the process is going seamlessly. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
What happens if i meet up into a accident and claim fo RAF and my wife decides to divorce me. Can she take half of my RAF money.
-- Angelo
@Angelo, Having regard to your question I assume that you are married in community of property. Only funds paid for patrimonial damages falls into the joint estate and can be claimed by your spouse ie. damage related to your financial position. Non-patrimonial damages does not form part of your joint estate and cannot be claimed by your spouse ie. damages relating to pain and suffering. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
Hi. Not sure if anyone can help. My mother in law and I have paid for the assistance but nothing has been done. We cannot get past step 1. I also cannot get any response from anyone via email. Am not even sure how to get my money reversed. Does anyone know how to help us.
-- Michelle Burgess
Mrs. Burgess, Please email me your contact details to so that we can resolve the issue.
-- diylaw Administrator
Good day, I am a Zimbabwe citizen, living in SA for the last 3 years. I am married, my wife is a SA citizen, I have been sponsored into SA by my daughter via means of a parent visa as we are both on pension. I do, not have a SA ID document as this I will only receive once I attain permanent residence. Can I divorce without SA ID? Please advise before I pay the funds. Many thanks. Rob
-- Rob Panter
@Rob Panter, I have already answered your query by email. You may still proceed with the DIY divorce. You may enter any 13 digit ID number when you complete the online application, we will amend it to your date of birth after your DIY Divorce documents have been generated. Regards
-- diylaw Administrator
Hi, By using this service am I still required to go to court ?
-- Trisha
Hi, Trisha. You will have to attend Court. The good news is that you receive a step by step guide to ensure that all is ready for your Court appearance and it is not something that you should be concerned about. Regards.
-- diylaw Administrator