This system is provided as a general service over the Internet and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any specific factual situation. This service is a publishing service, similar to books offering general legal advice and forms you can buy in a bookstore, and similar to legal forms available on disks available at office supply and computer supply stores. DIYLAW is not your lawyer or legal service. This form and all other forms provided through this service is meant to provide a guideline for common and standard situations.
Each person's situation is, however, unique. If you feel that your particular needs require more specificity than provided with this standard form, you should consult an attorney in your area.
Refunds: A refund will be made to you if you do not want to proceed with the matter for any reason whatsoever prior to receiving your divorce documents. Please note that a nominal amount will be subtracted off the total amount paid to effect the refund.
Important: Please ensure that all information is entered correctly, failing which it may result in additional costs to amend your divorce documents.